High-quality and reliable I&D service provision:

  • Improves the sustainability of irrigation systems
  • Enhances the financial viability of irrigation agencies
  • Increases farmers’ willingness to pay for delivered water
  • Reduces water wastage
  • Provides a starting point for agricultural intensification and diversification
  • Helps break the vicious irrigation system build-neglect-rebuild cycle

Some I&D agencies have adopted innovative ways to engage with farmers and nonfarming stakeholders, monitor key performance indicators, achieve financial viability, and improve efficiency. Agencies across the world have piloted a wide array of activities, have adopted their own home-grown pathways to solutions, and have achieved various degrees of results.

Other agencies are beginning the process of identifying and implementing measures to improve the quality of their service provision to their customers. They would like to better understand what they can do to get started, how they can prepare for those initial steps, and where they can find more information and guidance. However, not much of this information is readily available.

INSPIRE was thus founded to connect I&D stakeholders around the world, make this information easily accessible, and continuously improve the quality of irrigation services.

INSPIRE fills a gap to facilitate the exchange of information, experiences, and lessons learned in the following areas:

  • Accountability and financial viability
  • Systematic monitoring of customer satisfaction and benchmarking of performance
  • Better management of assets
  • Adoption of a broader management function within the water system in which they operate