Who can join INSPIRE

We encourage all individuals and organizations involved with irrigation activities and operations to join INSPIRE. Membership is not restricted to a specific group of professionals and is based on interest in improving I&D service delivery provision, including in both developing and industrialized countries. INSPIRE strives to become the meetings place for all professional constituencies. It is recognized that decision makers of large irrigation and drainage schemes are made up of a diverse group of people, including heads of departments, chief executive officers (CEOs) of irrigation utilities or boards, local governments or water users’ associations (WUA)s.

We welcome all shapes, sizes, and levels of maturity, as well as public, parastatal, private, owner or third-party operated. We invite those with a dedication to improving service delivery performance and those that wish to engage in simple self-diagnosis, benchmarking, and action-planning.

Why join INSPIRE

INSPIRE responds to the demand for a space for service providers to learn from one another and to address common challenges. INSPIRE note only connects I&D service providers around the world to one another, but also gives I&D service providers a voice in global policies dialogues. INSPIRE supports, guides, and enables positive impacts on the quality of irrigation operations.

Members of INSPIRE become part of a community of thoughtful, concerned global citizens whose experience informs smart policy and discourse. We connect you to a network of leaders, bring you in on both live and virtual discussions with global thinkers, and invite your ideas to contribute to public discourse and improved policy.

Benefits of joining INSPIRE

  • Opportunities for cross-learning and generating of knowledge
  • Engagement with global debate and innovation among I&D managers
  • Joining momentum for improvements in service delivery
  • Improving professionalization and client orientation
  • Opportunities for cross-learning and twining
  • Accessing guidance for implementing change

Contact us to join INSPIRE